
Setting Up GitHub Actions for V

This article will walk you through setting up GitHub Actions for V. We begin with a primer on CI/CD, the various benefits and drawbacks. Then we make use of the Setup V action to set up a CI/CD environment for V, how to set it up, and how to use it. We will close with a link to a more sophisticated example.
Introducing Setup V, and discussing why CI/CD is important.

Elevate Your V Project With Unit Tests

The next blog post after The Complete Beginner’s Guide to CLI Apps in V. We discuss why unit testing is important, shed some light on V’s testing culture, and add unit tests to our toy project geo.
V makes it easy to add tests to your project. Here’s how to get started.

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to CLI Apps in V

Blog post that shows beginners how easy it is to build a CLI application in V. We build a sample app called geo that prints geometric shapes to the screen.
Learn how to make a fully featured CLI app in V in under an hour.

Getting Started With V

A beginners guide to finding documentation, seeking help, and feeling comfortable with V.
Hit the ground running with this collection of resources